
Sunday, 29 July 2012

Mt. Llanover Hike & Roscoe Bay Anchorage (Desolation Sound)

View over Desolation Sound from top of Mt. Llanover

Location of Mt. Llanover & Roscoe Bay

Mt. Llanover (view from Desolation Sound)

Mt. Llanover (view from Lewis Channel/Teakerne Arm)

Anchorage: Roscoe Bay
Entrance into Roscoe Bay requires crossing a bar that dries at approximately zero feet/metres. (Pelagia draws 6 feet, and we like to go in on a rising tide with at least an 8 foot tide level.)

Trail Start: North shore, middle of Roscoe Bay (at stream, by old fruit trees). Look for bulletin board (board describes trails in area, and also provides a detailed and interesting life history of the jellyfish in Roscoe Bay).

Rating: Moderately strenuous for 1.5-2 hours to top @ 683 metres. Trail is in good condition and is obvious. In July 2012, there were only a few fallen logs across the trail, all easy to cross. Trail mostly uphill with few flat sections. Good shoes required (we prefer our hiking boots, but good trail runners will work -- trail is mostly dry).

Amenities (water, toilets, etc): Water: (i) Water hose on north shore of Roscoe Bay (water comes from source different/isolated from stream at trailhead or others on trail). (ii) Stream water (should be treated). (iii) water from Black Lake (treat). There is no decent water on the trail in Summer season. Toilets: BC Parks outhouse over at Black Lake trail; none on the Llanover trail.

Features: Great views from top.  There are no views until the top. There is a cairn with prayer flags, and a bottle stuffed with messages. Continue for another 50m to the viewpoint. Good cell coverage at viewpoint.

At end of hike: Hike down is quite easy and faster. At the end, one has choice of a swim in Roscoe Bay (20-24 deg C in July) or dinghy over to short trail to Black Lake for a fresh-water swim.

UPDATE 2015: We returned to Desolation Sound in September 2015 (see our blog post). Trail up to Mt. Llanover was in good condition and required about the same amount of time (within 5 minutes).

UPDATE 2017: Logging has significantly impacted the trail to Mt. Llanover, destroying a section and making the trail more difficult (see our 2017 blog post). We required over 5 hours to complete the trail up and down (compared to usual 3-3.6 hrs). 

Friday, 27 July 2012

Desolation Sound arrival

Well, the sun went away for a few days. But with that came SE winds, giving us a great sail all the way from Pender Harbour to Cortes Bay (Cortes Island). Such an easy sail, with Waggy the autopilot handling the steering most of the way.

After some drizzly days in anchorages in:  Cortes Bay, Grace Harbour then Laura Cove, the sun came back out and we've had good times swimming, hiking (including our "annual" hike up Llanover Mountain) and relaxing,  especially in Roscoe Bay.

We are currently at Taku Resort in  Drew Harbour, Heriot Bay, on Quadra Island.

Update to Cruz-Pro RH-60 Tachometer added

Note added here about calibrating the Cruz Pro RH-60 Tachometer

Sunny weather, and the water is warm up here!

We are currently in Pender Harbour, up on the Sunshine Coast. Stopped first at Smuggler's Cove, then came to Pender. Managed a nice little sail from Smuggler's to Pender Harbour.

"Sunshine Coast" has been the correct term. We've been hot, with all the hatches open and fans going. Swimming (salt water) has been great. 22-24 degrees Celsius (72-75 deg F for those challenged by, well, the world's standard).

Of course, with the first swim of the year comes scrubbing of hulls (what!? barnacles!?) and changing of zincs. Challenging my aging lungs.

Probably do some biking today, and head towards (or to) Desolation Sound tomorrow.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Yucky weather (or yucky forecasts) over the past week have conspired each morning to keep us here in Vancouver, with Pelagia at the dock. (OK, we were out for 3 nights a week ago.)

July 1st was Canada Day: We realized we haven't been in Vancouver on July 1st for a very long time (not since at least 2006... perhaps longer, but I didn't check my logbook). Each year, we've been away, out on the boat (for example, 1 year ago we were in Queen Charlotte City, in Haida Gwai).

This July 1 turned out to be a pretty nice day. We went for a very enjoyable bike ride on the dikes surrounding Richmond (taking the Canada Line to get to Richmond), through Steveston Village (which was a happening spot with its annual July 1 "Salmon Festival" celebration). Arriving back (via skytrain) in Vancouver, the city was packed with visitors -- hundreds of thousands (yes, really) of people dressed in Canada red and white.

Arriving back at our apartment, we felt in need of  a Canada Day celebratory drink -- limes, triple sec and tequila were secured and a pitcher of margaritas quickly made up. When we regained consciousness...*  well, after a short nap (due to either, or both, the bike ride and the margs), we decided to walk down to Pelagia to have dinner on the boat and then watch the fireworks from chairs on our dock.

It was a great show. And we had a much-better-than-expected Canada Day. Happy 145th Canada!

(As forecast, we woke up to rain this morning... it is still raining.)

* If you're Canadian (and not too young), "When I regained consciousness..." should ring a bell (Dave Broadfoot).