
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Mast install? "No" says the weather...

We were scheduled to re-install the mast with new standing rigging, LED trilight, spreader lights, etc this past Monday (Feb 25th). To do so, we would have to return to Steveston, normally a 27 nm trip via Sand Heads and the Fraser River.

The normal route from Vancouver Harbour to Steveston (North up)

Michelle and I planned to go either Saturday or Sunday, depending on the weather forecast. Well, it was not to be. For the first time in a very long time -- we cannot remember the last time -- we had three days of gales in Georgia Strait. Both SE and NW gales.  And it really did blow.  Given that Sand Heads (and the route) are very exposed to both SE and NW gales, and there can be nasty conditions where the river outflow meets NW winds in the strait, we decided to re-schedule to later in March.  (Much better for the rigger, who probably wasn't looking forward to going aloft in strong -- and cold -- winds.)

If the same forecast happens in March -- unlikely -- we may take the protected (weatherwise) back route via the Fraser River North Arm (entrance just off "Pt. Grey" on the chartlet above) to New Westminster then down the South Arm to Steveston (an  extra 15 nm). The low bridges on this route will be no problem, given our lack of a mast!

We are anxious to become a sailing vessel again. Until then, some more skiing and lots more other stuff on Pelagia.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Spiffing up Pelagia: New upholstery

Among many upgrades completed/in progress/planned for Pelagia, some fall into the "spiffing up" category. The upholstery in the main salon was definitely showing wear and a little tired (after at least 20 years) 

Here is what the old upholstery looked like:

old port-side settee
old starboard-side settee

We decided (February, 2013) to re-upholster: new material, new colour/design, and new foam. Here is the new main salon upholstery:

New starboard-side settee and table

New port-side settee
Besides looking great, they are also "improved". The bottom cushions are thicker and definitely more comfortable. We also had the backs cut differently to make it easier to use the settees as sea berths. 

We're pretty happy with the results!

P. S. In case you are wondering, we had the cushions done by Randy at
 The Chair Centre

Good work done very fast (that's right, he's not a "marine" upholsterer)

Monday, 11 February 2013

Skiing Whistler (January & February)

On the Wizard Express (Blackcomb Mt)
End of the day run -- heading down to Whistler Village (Michelle ahead with blue pack, Whistler Mt)

We've had a couple weeks of skiing up at Whistler in January and February. All sorts of conditions and lots of snow.

Had a good dump of new snow in January, but it was super heavy and windblown -- making the ski down from Whistler Peak via "Doom & Gloom" a real challenge.

Michelle skiing "Doom & Gloom" (Whistler Mt) in super heavy snow

Best skiing was early February, with a couple of good powder dumps -- this time light and easy (and fun) to ski.

David skiing Secret Bowl on Blackcomb

Michelle skiing down Blackcomb Glacier

To top it off, we had sunshine and powder!

At the bottom of Blackcomb Glacier

Lots of fun!  We'll be back up in March and April.

(Will we miss this next year in Mexico?)