
Tuesday, 28 May 2013

CONDO SOLD... Our Great Purge

Guess we gotta sail south now...

Boxes for locker... boxes for boat... stuff for donation

Condo emptied and cleaned... Goodbye to our home of 17 years!

Our day to move out, May 25th, came too quickly.

Back in March, when we put our condo on the market, we expected it to take several months to sell. Not so: we sold in less than 2 weeks, and found ourselves faced with more than the typical move! We thus began a discombobulating 7 weeks.

Essentially, we did an almost complete purge. A couple of decades of possessions -- what to keep? Very little! With only a small storage locker, all furniture had to go, as well as most of our possessions/clothes etc. Friends, charities and, especially, the many binners in our West End alley were all beneficiaries of our purge.

The final week came and we were on top of our move. Indeed, we turned over the keys a day early. We then retired to Pelagia somewhat shell-shocked, wondering what the hell we had done!

We are dividing up where we are staying: on the boat (both at the dock and at anchorages), up at Whistler, as well as plans for visits with friends/family, and a short-term rental (during boat work).