
Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Poole Inlet (Gwaii Haanas NPR)

After leaving Island Bay, we (SVs Carousel and Pelagia) headed around Scudder Point (Northeast point of Burnaby Island) with the plan to check out Poole Inlet on Burnaby Island. On the way, we put out our new fishing equipment to see if we could catch a salmon. Imagine David's upset when he lost it all to a bad knot. (Time to re-review the fishing knots in out knot book!)

Poole Inlet is oddly not in any of the guide books. But on the chart the anchorage looked good. And, indeed, it was a good, quiet anchorage, with good protection and shallow depths. Several streams provide water to the bay. Perhaps we should keep this new-to-us anchorage to ouselves?

A note about the weather thus far: We have had perhaps 2 partial days of rain. Most days have had a lot of sun. The solar panels have no problem keeping our batteries charged.

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