So far this May, we've been out on Pelagia three times:
(i) 3-night trip to Howe Sound, including Artaban and Plumper Cove. Good weather, with nice sail back to Vancouver from Plumper.
(ii) Day sail in English Bay for our club's (Vancouver Rowing Club) annual "Sail Past" . Oh so sunny, with nice 10 kn NW winds, making for a great sail past and great sail; party after was prety good too!
(iii) 5-night trip over to Gulf Islands. Tried initially to sail late afternoon over to Porlier Pass, but wind (NW) and seas (1-2 m) were uncomfortable in Georgia Strait, and we kept getting headed sailing (first, we could not hold course for Porlier, so we tried for Active Pass, then even that was too tight as we headed towards the airport) -- so we tacked and sailed to Howe Sound, eventually in to Artaban (almost always a safe bet) for 1 night. Next day, seas were calm, and we had a nice sail (half way) across the Strait to Porlier, and then motored to anchor at the north(west) beach of Montague Harbour. 

After 2 nights (sunny days, calm nights) there, we moved over to the VRC docks at Ganges (Saltspring Island) for 2 nights. At the end, we motored up to Porlier Pass, and then had a great sail all the way across Georgia Strait right in to Stanley Park.